Frank Abagnale Jr (Leonardo DiCaprio), 15 years old, lives happily in 1963 New Rochelle, New York with his father Frank Abagnale Sr (Christopher Walken), and French mother Paula (Nathalie Baye). When a loan for Frank Sr. is denied at Chase Manhattan Bank, due to a series of IRS tax frauds by Frank Sr., the family is forced to move from their grand home to a small apartment. Paula carries on an affair with Jack (James Brolin), a friend of her husband. In the meantime, Frank poses as a substitute teacher in his French class. Frank's parents file for divorce, and Frank runs away. When he runs out of money, he begins to use confidence scams. Frank's cons grow ever bolder and he even impersonates an airline pilot. He forges Pan Am payroll checks and succeeds in stealing over $2.8 million.
Meanwhile Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), an FBI bank fraud agent, begins to track down Frank with little help from his superiors. Carl and Frank meet in a hotel, where Frank convinces Carl his name is Barry Allen of the Secret Service. Frank leaves, with Carl angrily fooled. Later, at Christmas, Carl is still working when Frank calls him, attempting to apologize for duping Carl. Carl rejects his apology and tells him that he will soon be caught, but laughs when he realizes that Frank actually called him because he has no one else to talk to. Frank hangs up, and Carl continues to investigate, suddenly realizing (thanks to a coffee waiter) that the name "Barry Allen" is from the Flash comic books and that Frank is just a teenager.
Frank, meanwhile, has not only changed to becoming a doctor and being a lawyer, but has fallen in love with a girl named Brenda (Amy Adams) to whom he eventually admits the truth about himself and asks to run away with him. Carl tracks him to his wedding party where Frank has left Brenda, asking her to meet him two days later so they can elope. Frank sees her waiting two days later, but suddenly sees agents in disguise everywhere and realizes that he has been set up and escapes on a flight to Europe. Seven months later, Carl shows his boss that Frank has been forging checks all over the eastern hemisphere, and asks permission to go to Europe to look for him. When his boss denies him the permission, Carl brings Frank's checks to printing professionals who deem that the check was printed in France. Remembering from an interview with Paula, Frank's mother, that she was born in Montrichard, France, Carl goes there where he finds Frank, and tells him that the French police will kill him if he doesn’t go with Carl quietly. Frank assumes he is lying at first, but Carl promises Frank he would never lie to him, and Carl takes him outside, where the French police escort him to prison.
The scene then flashes forward to a plane returning Frank home from prison, where Carl informs him that his father has died. Consumed with grief, Frank escapes from his plane and goes back to his old house, where he finds his mother with the man she left his father for, as well as a girl that Frank realizes is his half-sister. Frank gives up and is sentenced to 12 years in prison, getting visits from time to time by Carl. When Frank easily points out how one of the checks Carl is carrying as evidence is fake, Carl gets an idea and calls for an interview by the FBI. At the interview, the FBI informs Frank that he can live out the remainder of his sentence working for the bank fraud department of the FBI, being in Carl's custody, to which Frank accepts. Though enjoying his semi-freedom and professional job, Frank misses the thrill of the chase and even attempts to fly as an airline pilot again. He is cornered by Carl, demanding again how he cheated on the Bar Exam, who insists that Frank will return at the end of the weekend, since there is no one chasing him, and that he is just a kid.
On Monday, Carl is nervous that Frank has not appeared to work yet and is almost regretful at assuming too much about Frank. However, Frank soon shows up and Carl informs him about their next case. During the examination, Carl asks one final time how Frank cheated on the Bar Exam, to which Frank replies that he did not—he had studied for only two weeks and actually passed the exam. Astounded, Carl asks him "Is that the truth, Frank?" to which Frank merely smiles. Carl smiles back and the two continue to investigate their next case. Lastly, it is revealed through scrolling text that Frank has been happily married for 26 years, has three sons, lives in the Midwest with his family, is still good friends with Carl, caught some of the world's most elusive money forgers and gets millions of dollars each year because of his work creating unforgeable checks.
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